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Highfield St. Matthew's
Church of England Primary School

Attendance and Punctuality

A huge thank you to all our families who take attendance and punctuality seriously.  We are incredibly grateful to you for getting your child in on time so that they can learn as much as they possibly can.


School doors open at 8.40am and close promptly at 8.50am.  Children start learning in class straight away.  


Our target for the whole school attendance is 97%.


Every child has the right to attend school every day.  Casual attendance and frequent absence really has a detrimental effect on children’s education and emotional development.  At Highfield St Matthew's CE School everyone has their part to play in ensuring that all children attend regularly.


We want our school to have the best attendance, so that our children can learn as much as they possibly can. 


Parent/Carer Responsibilities


We believe every child has the right to access a high-quality education so they can ‘grow in wisdom and stature’ (Luke 2:52). Ensuring your child’s regular attendance at school is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility (Section 444   of the 1996 Education Act) and permitting absence from school that is not authorised by the school creates an offence in law. Parents are expected to support the Trust’s attendance policy by positively encouraging children to attend school on time every day


  •  Ensure your child arrives for school on time, and regularly.
  • Telephone school if your child is to be late.
  •  For routine non-emergency medical and dental appointments please ensure they are made outside of school hours.
  • Contact school office by 8.55am on the first day of absence if your child is unable to attend through illness, giving an explanation of the illness, and an indication of the expected duration and return date to school.
  • If a text message/phone call is received as a result of your child’s absence it is important that you respond to this text to ensure your child is appropriately safeguarded.
  • Contact the Learning Mentor if the reason for absence requires a more personal contact.
  • In case of emergency, we need up to date contact numbers at all times so please ensure you inform us of any changes especially to mobile telephone numbers. (As a school we request a minimum of two emergency contact details be provided and preferably three)
  • Requests for exceptional circumstances leave of absence must be in writing to the Headteacher and can only be authorised by the Headteacher. Reasons such as a close family bereavement or taking part in a significant religious event would be acceptable for short absences. Unacceptable reasons for missing school, include general holidays, weddings, shopping, concerts and birthdays. Holiday Request Forms can be requested from the school reception.


School Responsibilities


  • Inform parents of their responsibilities for maintaining regular attendance for their child. 
  • Inform parents every half term of their child’s attendance using the traffic light system. 
    • 97-100% - Good - Outstanding - GREEN LIGHT
    • 94-96.9% - Satisfactory - AMBER LIGHT
    • 93.9% and below - Unsatisfactory - RED LIGHT
  • Support any family in difficulties or crisis. 
  • Refer families requiring support to external agencies as necessary. 
  • We will actively seek Court Prosecution when needed, but we do this as a very last resort. 
  • We value and reward good attendance; weekly, half termly, termly and annually through certificates, praise in Collective Worship, rewards and a class attendance trophy. 


We will be inform you if your child is regularly late for school and we will request from parents an explanation. Parents/carers will be invited into school to discuss this concern with the Learning Mentor and/or Inclusion Leader/ Headteacher, in the hope of resolving the problem.  


Research shows that the closer a school and family work together the more likely a child will succeed. 

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Contact Us

Billinge Road,
Wigan, Liverpool, WN3 6BL

Telephone: 01942 747818
