Remote Learning
Remote Learning at Highfield St Matthew's
Remote learning has been key to supporting our children and families during recent times across the UK and it is our firm conviction that this will mirror the standards and quantity of our ‘normal’ teaching expectations. At all times during remote learning, full school policies apply with the clear and obvious application of ‘remote’ variations. It is our clear aim and obligation to provide these high standards across the whole curriculum.
Highfield St Matthew's CE Primary has a Remote Learning Policy which sets out provision and procedures which will apply following full school, year group or class closure, or for individual pupils who need to self isolate following a positive COVID result.
The full SHINE curriculum will still be taught as closely as possible to the planned Scheme of Work as possible. Subject leaders will review and adapt as necessary, so each learning opportunity is as beneficial as possible allowing for the constraints of home learning. Where adaptations need to be made or schemes of work need to be revised, it will be ensured that national curriculum objectives will be prioritised at all times. Across the school, enhancements are made to support this ie. EYFS/ KS1 video (Loom) phonics lessons may be sent out too. In the case of full school/year group/bubble closures, we will send out a timetable to all classes with the details for each child, the subject and the time allocation to the subject (see below) as soon as possible after the announcements are made.
Parent and Pupil user agreement
During our 'live' lessons, we will be using the Zoom platform to teach classes remotely. It is vital that parents and pupils both agree to and have signed the following letter in order to participate in the online lessons. This agreement will be updated and re-circulated should the need arise for live lessons.
Please click here to view the Government guidance for remote learning.
Our school remote learning policy can be found on the policies page of the website.
Please see the user guides below for help with accessing our remote learning websites.
User Guides
Our Remote Learning platform is Purple Mash.
We will also be using ZOOM to do live lessons with our classes. See below for a parent and pupil user guide.
We will set daily tasks to be completed on there. You will also need access to the following sites:
- TT Rockstars
- NumBots
- Accelerated reader
- Bug Club
- Spelling Shed
- Letter join (Please see the attached guide for how to access this) Click here to view a user guide video.
- Online book access with MyOn (year 3-6)
Log in details can be found in your child's reading journal. Please email your class teacher with any queries.