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Highfield St. Matthew's Church of England Primary School home page

Highfield St. Matthew's
Church of England Primary School


Nursery Class are taught by Mrs Chatterley


Children in Nursery access outdoor learning every day, so it is essential that children come to school wearing a warm, rainproof coat.


Reading is a very important aspect of learning not just in the Early Years Foundation Stage, but right throughout the children's school journey. All children will have the opportunity to choose a book to take home each week and we actively encourage you to share stories and books with your child each night. 


In EYFS, we also use Tales Toolkit resources to help us create lots of lovely stories. This supports the children’s imagination and creativity as well as developing their knowledge of lovely, rich story telling language. 

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Contact Us

Billinge Road,
Wigan, Liverpool, WN3 6BL

Telephone: 01942 747818
