Behaviour Expectations
At Highfield St Matthew’s Church of England Primary School we believe that children learn best when they have clear rewards and consequences for their day to day conduct in and around school. If children feel safe and can enjoy their lessons then they will learn and achieve.
To ensure Highfield St Matthew’s provides a happy, safe and respectful environment for all children to learn in; our school community has come together to agree a simple Code of Conduct that will support us in making good choices. This is to be READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE at all times.
Our aim is that every member of our school community feels valued and respected. We want all parts of our community to strive to create an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure. We want to ensure that every member of our school community is treated fairly and in a consistent way. These expectations are taught and practised through modelling and curriculum activities across the school. They are supplemented in PHSCE, RE, circle time, nurture groups and support sessions.
Staff and children at Highfield St Mathew's CE Primary understand that building positive relationships and creating the right environment is the key to managing behaviour effectively. All our staff are committed to ‘noticing’ children in a positive way.
Staff are highly skilled in understanding how to develop and build positive relationships with children. This begins with a phased start to the school day in which all children are personally welcomed by name with a friendly smile from staff.
Staff at Highfield St Matthew's know that behaviour management is the responsibility of all staff. All staff are provided with support and training in dealing with challenging behaviour to ensure the best outcomes for every child.
We recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents and always aims to engage parents in positive behaviour management systems whenever possible. This is reflected in regular meetings with parents of children who have Individual Behaviour Plans and in our reward system which acknowledges examples of good behaviour and attitude to work. We also recognise the importance of constructive dialogue to further develop home/school links and create best possible outcomes for our children.
Behaviour Rewards
Star of the week: awarded to a child who has been able to SHINE. This could be across different areas of the curriculum for very exceptional behaviour resilience or perseverance.
Writer of the week: awarded to a child who has made efforts to improve their writing, accepting feedback and amending work accordingly.
Christian Values: awarded to a child who has displayed that they have been able to represent the Christian value of the half term through their actions and attitude.
Attendance: the attendance trophy is awarded to the class with the highest percentage attendance. The wining class will have an additional playtime on Friday afternoon.