The Science Curriculum at Highfield St. Matthew’s C.E Primary enables our pupils to learn a broad, rich and bespoke curriculum though meaningful visits, enhancement weeks and trips out of school which encourages them to retain and develop interest and enjoyment within science as well as developing a natural sense of curiosity about the world around them. Our Science Curriculum equips pupils with a set of attitudes which will promote the school values in line with scientific ways of thinking, including open-mindedness, perseverance, objectivity, and a recognition of the importance of teamwork. We stimulate a thirst for further learning and knowledge by building up a body of scientific knowledge as well as preparing our pupils with the skills required to answer scientific questions, therefore developing their own understanding on the impact of Science upon the world they live in.
The pupils at our school are taught to understand the nature of a scientific approach involving: observation, the making and testing of hypotheses, the design of fair and controlled investigations, the drawing of meaningful conclusions through critical reasoning and evaluation of evidence, facts and data. Through our science curriculum, we provide teaching and learning which challenges their knowledge, vocabulary, and skills through engaging and exciting lessons.