School Meals and Uniform
Our school has its own kitchen, where nourishing meals are prepared each day. School meals are eaten in the school hall. The children choose healthy options from at least two main course dishes and two desserts. A large number of children take school meals, which have been praised for their high nutritional content and, importantly, are enjoyed by the children and many of our staff. At the moment a school meal costs £2.70 per day, £13.50 per week.
Meal choices are ordered by parents and paid for in advance on our school Evolve meal ordering system. Payment can only be made via our online payment system.
Free School Meals Information
Some pupils are entitled to free school meals. For further information and to apply online through Wigan Council following this link - Apply for Free School Meals
Packed Lunches
Arrangements can also be made for children to bring a cold packed lunch to be eaten in school. The lunch must be in a solid container with the child's name on it. For safety reasons lunches should not include tins, cans, glass bottles or flasks containing hot food or drink. All drinks must be in re-sealable screw top containers. We ask that parents provide a healthy school lunch and request that sweets/chocolate/confectionery items are kept for home.
Current menu
Please see below for our current menu:
Our School Uniform
All items of clothing should be identifiable by a name tag.
- Royal blue sweatshirts/cardigans. Year 6 can wear light grey jumper/cardigan with or without the school logo
- White polo shirt with or without the school logo
- Plain grey skirt/ pinafore dress / smart trousers/ knee length smart shorts
- Plain grey socks (below the knee if worn with a skirt) or plain grey tights
- Black smart/formal school shoes – no trainers
- Outdoor fleece (optional)
- Sun cap (optional)
- Blue & white gingham dress (summer term only)
Royal blue sweatshirts, cardigans, white polo shirts and T-shirts embroidered with the school crest can be purchased from AC Sports and Slaters.
If pupils are required to cover their heads for religious reasons, the scarves should be black or royal blue, and secure when worn but easily removed in an emergency. They should also not impair the hearing.
PE Uniform
All items of clothing should be identifiable by a name tag.
- Royal blue sweatshirt/hoody with or without the school logo
- Plain white T-shirt with or without school logo
- Navy blue shorts or black jog pants
- Black pumps (trainers may be worn for outdoor PE only)
Some families require that pupils cover their arms and legs at all times. The school will respect this.
All PE clothing must be named and kept in a named PE bag on coat pegs in the cloakroom. We do not allow the wearing of jewellery whilst doing PE or sports lessons because it could be dangerous.
We have a rail of preloved uniform available every Friday in the small hall after school. Please feel free to come and take whatever you need. This is great way of keeping uniform costs down, and also recycling!
Jewellery & Nails
On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exceptions to this rule are medical jewellery, small stud earrings and watches. Earrings MUST be removed for PE.
Artificial nail extensions are also not permitted due to health and safety. Nail varnish is also not to be worn, as it is not in keeping with our smart school uniform.
Extreme Haircuts and Styles
The school does not permit children to have haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. This includes very closely shaved parts of the head including ‘tramlines’, hair dye and/or hair extensions.
Long hair should be tied back, and hair accessories should be blue/white. Large hair accessories should not be worn.
The school wants all children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels in school, so we do not allow this. All shoes including sandals should have a heel strap for safety. We do not allow children to wear trainers to school; these are appropriate for sport or as leisurewear but are not in keeping with the smart appearance of a school uniform. We require all children to wear the types of shoe described in the uniform list.
The Role of Parents
We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork. Parents should ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that it is clean and in good repair.
If any parent would like the school to modify the uniform policy for a special need/requirement, they should make representation, in the first instance, to the headteacher. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for example religious objections, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform; the school will look sympathetically at such requests. Similarly, should an item of school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities, parents are invited to draw this to the attention of the headteacher. The school will not treat pupils with disabilities unfavourably.